Monday, May 23, 2011

Just One More Day...

It's getting hard to live out of a suitcase. We can't ever find anything. I'll at least be glad to get to Nanchang just so that we can officially unpack. Since we'll be there 6 days we'll set up camp. Although from what I hear, we've been very spoiled on the front end of this trip with our nice hotels and more western surroundings. Nanchang is expected to be much different and more difficult.

We love reading the comments so keep them coming. It's encouraging to know so many people are out there carrying us through this. Especially since we're both a little homesick.

For anybody who doesn't know on the "comment" section on the bottom of the post. Then write a message in the box. If you don't have a google account or blog just sign in as "anonymous" but be sure to leave your name in the message box so we know who sent it.

Although we're having a blast, it's been hard to be away from home. Especially for my sister who is really missing her kids. We've tried Skype but the last 2 days our video function hasn't worked. Which almost makes it harder. To hear them but not see them. Just makes us miss them more. And now this morning we found out there was a big storm that knocked out their power. So we're not sure how long it'll be before we hear from them. 

We're heading down to the lobby in a few minutes to meet the travel group and go over the details of what to expect tomorrow. It's so surreal to know that tomorrow is the day. The Day! The day my life changes forever. I'm so excited. But nervous. Happy and terrified. It's just a lot to take in. A lot to process. Five years worth of emotions about to bubble to the surface. I'm trying really hard to hold it together. Especially tomorrow. I need to try to remain calm for Mia's sake. It's going to be so hard for her as it is.

But just one more day.....and everything changes for the both of us.


Anonymous said...

Hello, and congratulations! I am the mother of 2 from China (they are 14 and 12 years old already). Our younger daughter was from just outside Nanchang, so we stayed there for the first week of our trip. It was an amazing city, and we stayed at the Lakeview. It was amazing!!! Very beautiful hotel. All the others in the city are very nice. Enjoy, and again congratulations.
Laurie, Canadian mom to 2 amazing daughters from Chian.

GGHadden said...

It's 10am your time on tuesday.....Can't wait to see her finally in your arms. You will not cry until after you meet her, maybe even a few hours then it will be a wonderful cry :) You will be so caught up with everything you have to do that your tears will not catch up til later :) Glad to see you are able to blog, Guangzhou was the easiest place for me to have great internet, sorry to hear your video isn't working the best, I had that happen in Changsha and had to keep clicking my video off then back on a few times-frustrating.
1 More Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Mia's mommy" - after so long, I love the sound of that! Happy and terrified is normal, I think, no matter how you become a mom. However, I have know doubt that you're going to be a most excellent mother.

I'm so excited for you (just be glad you can't see my happy dance)!


Weissfamily said...

Not sure which hotel you are going to be staying at in Nanchang, but the Jin Feng was very nice. I think what makes Nanchang difficult is that it is the 1st week you will spend getting to know your child and neither of you know much about the other. But it is also exciting too, because this is the probably as close as you will get to your daughter's orphanage and local culture for quite awhile.

Carrie said...

My name is Carrie. We were in your same shoes about three years ago....and also in Nanchang. Enjoy every moment of your gotcha day. Take everything in that you can....because it all is so very precious!
Keeping you, your sister and Mia in my prayers. Looking forward to following your journey each day.
God bless,

Julie said...

I am so excited for you that tomorrow is the big day and soon Mia will be in your arms!!! I will say a prayer for you and Miss Mia that you will both be peaceful and that this big transition will be gentle for you both. Enjoy this miraculous day!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I was picking up my daughter Abby when you were getting your paperwork logged in! Wow! It is worth the wait! Enjoy every minute of it! I am reliving everything as I read your adventures! Safe travels and Hurry up and post the pictures of when you get your daughter! :)
Kathy Golden, Mom to Emily and Maddie Vietnam and Abigail China now 5 and 1/2 already!

JoAnn in NJ said...

Thank you so much for all your lovely photos and journaling! It's wonderful re-living our trip through your eyes! I remember feeling a little homesick too, but after tomorrow it will get easier because you'll be holding "home" in your arms! (you just won't be able to wait to go back to the US to begin your new life!) I think you're blessed with such a beautiful baby - adore those cheeks! Wed is my wedding anniversary, so I think you'll have extra good luck then too! (just wait until you check into your next hotel and you see your crib!)

♥ Mary ♥ said...

Hello! (delurking) I've been reading your blog for a while but I think this is first comment (!) I am so happy & excited for you and Mia to finally meet! keep the pictures coming - very facinating and what a great gift for Mia one day! : ) lots of happy thoughts to you and your sister from USA (WA State to be exact)

Laurie said...

I'm so excited for you!! I hope Mia has an easy transition and can't wait to see you holding her.

As much as I loved staying on Shamian, I have to say, your hotel is fabulous! The rooms at the Swan are a little tired.

Hanne said...

I am so excited for you - to think, that tomorrow is Mia-day! I rememeber so clearly the mixture of excitement, fear, expectations and beeing scared. I couldn´t swallow during the "last dinner" before Caroline-day and I only slept for 2 hours the last night.
I will pray for you and Mia, that your first meeting will go well. Looking forward to seeing the first picture of the two of you TOGETHER!
Hanne from Denmmark

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I'm waiting for my turn and reading about your journey to your gorgeous daughter helps me keep my spirits up as I wait. I love, love, love the enthusiasm you bring to seeing your daughter's birth country and learning about China! What a great mom! (Also-- I love penguins-- took a mommy and me class on penguins at the local zoo with my oldest and I got to pet one.) --Annika

Michele M said...

Love the photos and journaling. Can't wait to check in tomorrow before we are on our way...I know exactly how you feel. Im so excited, anxious, nervous...and the list goes on !!!

Best of luck and many blessings to both of you.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you. Will add homesickness to the list. That's hard for sure and Norma faced that during our trip.

Super excited that by this time tomorrow you'll be in the final prep stages of getting ready for Mia!!! I remember walking around and around our hotel room knowing I had a lot to do but not able to accomplish any of it. Thankfully Norma was the level head and gently nudged me in the right direction. She was a HUGE help as I know your sister is to you!!

Enjoy this time! Within hours Mia will be in your amrs and your life will change forever is the most wonderful, amazing way and you'll quickly wonder what you did before her and how you possibly survived!

Praying, praying.....

Catherine (Blogger is acting weird and won't let me sign in. Not sure if others are having trouble?)

Anonymous said...

I cried the minute I saw my daughter, right before they placed her in my arms. If you cry, it's alright!

Selkie Mom said...

Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day, thanks for sharing the moment. Congratulations!

delmy said...

Krista, HI and guess what? Fifteen years ago I was in Nanchang and met my oldest daughter Ava!!! Can you believe it??? I knew it would be close to the date but not exact. I am soooo excited for you and Mia! I remember everything like it was yesterday...the butterflies, the joy, the tears, the walking and pacing, good friends that I met and memories of my lifetime. God be with you...ENJOY! MaryB Ava, Ella and Jayson

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