Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Scary Bunny

I figured the bunny wouldn't go over real well after she had such a bad reaction to Santa. Mia was fine waving to him (or her, I guess) from the safety of her stroller while a few feet away in line. But when I tried to hand her over, she was having no such thing.

She looked like one of those cartoon characters suspended in mid-air in a full run. Her little legs and arms flailing wildly as she pathetically whimpered "momma momma momma". She was terrified.

I felt awful.

I was about to call it quits when the camera person suggested I sit down next to the bunny with her on my lap. This was the first shot.
A millisecond later she glanced to her right, saw the big scary furball and literally climbed my chest and was working her way over my shoulder to get away from him

Unfortunately, momma wasn't prepared for the camera to snap so quickly hence the cropping out of the goofy look on her face. 

So here is our one and only first Easter Bunny photo. At a cost of $38 dollars. Don't even get me started.

Maybe next year....


Amy said...

Actually... Mia's expression almost exactly mirrors the bunny's! :)

Greg, Dottie and Mimi said...

Mei Mei has the same look on her face too when she took her picture with the Easter Bunny. I guess it helped to have Mimi with her cause like Mia, she was having none of it.

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