Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Referral Day!

I can hardly believe it's been a year since I got The Call that would change my life forever.
Those 5 years waiting for it passed so very slowly.
But now... on the other side of that wait... time is moving too fast.
Mia is 18 months old already.
She's a fiesty, opinionated, active, walking and talking toddler.
When did that happen?
I remember every detail of that day like it was yesterday.
The anticipation, excitement, nervousness, curiosity.
And the pure and utter joy when I finally opened that e-mail and saw this beautiful face.
If you want to relive those memories with me
Part One is here .
Part Two is here.

Happy Referral Day
Mia Renee Ying!
I'd wait all over again for you,
my love.


Sandra said...

Congratulations! That last picture is adorable!

Briana's Mom said...

How has it been a year already? Time does fly on the other side of the wait! I still remember seeing those flying penguins and knew immediately that was your baby girl! Happy Referral Anniversary!

KJS said...

Happy Referral Day!!!!

Patricia said...

COngratulations & Happy Referralversary! ;) Mia is growing so very quickly & is such a CUTIE!! You will ALWAYS remember every detail of that's been 6 1/2 yrs. since we got "the call" & we still remember it vividly. And you are so right on "this side" time does go waaaay too fast! I am so happy to see you enjoying & savoring every precious moment with your girl! She is BEAUTIFUL!!

Wendy said...

Happy referral day!!! I can't believe it has been a year already! She is just too precious for words. I hope she is feeling better.

dawn said...

What a difference a year makes. Krista, Mia is gorgeous, like really really beautiful gorgeous. happy referral day, It is my most favourite day, nothing can compare to it ever.

Catherine said...

Wow! A year already!! Happy Refferal Day anniversary! Precious moments with your little girl but why does time fly so quickly now that they're home??? Slow down!


Kim said...

Happy Refferal day... Love the photos.. make me sooo happy for you ...
sitting here crying..

Polar Bear said...

Wow! Don't the years go by quickly now? Today is our two year-versary.

LOVE the pictures. Mia is getting so big, and she is absolutely adorable!

Happy Referral-versary to you both!!!!

Tammi said...

Congrats Krista! And great job on the photos. I can see you've been practicing! And Mia looks absolutely precious!!!

Abby's Mom said...

Time passes much quicker once their home ;0

Abby's Mom said...

Time passes much quicker once their home ;0

The Redhead said...

Awww. . .what adorable pictures of Mia (both of her!) I remember watching your video last year and catching the excitement and emotion from you over the computer!!! A year already, I don't want to know how fast it goes once the LO is actually in your daily life-yikes!

Miche said...

She is so beautiful; what a fun milestone to celebrate with her :) Congrats!

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