Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Black & White Wednesday

What do you do
when it's 95 degrees
and you don't have
a swimming pool?
How about filling
a couple big bowls
with water
and grabbing some
kitchen utensils,
my stacking cups,
and getting wet?
And if mommy 
gives me 
a soapy fauxhawk
that counts
as a bath
**Click on any photo to see it larger.**
the long road


Lisa~~ said...

Very fun and cute that girl of yours. When Maisie was a baby she hated baths but would play in the pool. My thought, she was wet, I used soap so it counted as a bath to me.

kim647 said...

She is just too cute. You both are truely blessed.

China Dreams said...

Adorable. You're truly adaptable!


Donna said...

LOve it!

Rhonda said...

She's so stinkin cute!

Aus said...

Of course it does - summertime means that time in the pool / with the hose / or with bowls counts as a bath!! ;)

hugs - aus and co.

Kayce said...

That's some serious cuteness!!! :)

Do said...

lol, omg that hair,is she an iroquois baby ? cute and chubby.

Aimee said...

Oh SO cute! Love it!

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